Pokémon GO Plus + Repairs

If your Pokémon GO Plus + seems broken, odds are you can fix it yourself in ten seconds. The only tool you need is a pen.

  • Did your Pokémon GO Plus + stop working out of the blue?
  • Can't get the LEDs to activate at all, even while plugged in?
  • Does your modified or stock Pokémon GO Plus + seem completely unresponsive?
  • Are you looking to get the battery replaced or have the device repaired?

I operate a shop modifying the Pokémon GO Plus + to autocatch using Ultra and Great Balls, and each week I have people contacting me with the same issue: "My GO Plus + randomly stopped working, how much would it cost to have it repaired?" I give this advice for free and explain that it resolves the issue for every single person who requests a battery replacement. If you need your Pokémon GO Plus + repaired, check out the below instructions.

How to Perform a Factory Reset on the Pokémon GO Plus +

Reverse view of the Pokémon GO Plus +. The reset button's indentation is highlighted.
  1. Press and hold the side button (the button with the small LED) for five full seconds. Continue holding it down while completing the next step.
  2. While still holding the side button, use a pen to press and hold the small indentation on the back of the GO Plus + for five full seconds, then stop pressing both this button and the side button.

That's all.

Your GO Plus + should now be working again. This is the most common issue I've seen with the GO Plus +, both modified and unmodified. Unless you physically broke your GO Plus + or something went wrong while you were modifying it yourself, this is probably the solution to the problem you're having.

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