The Pokémon GO Plus + upgrade you've been waiting for.
Finally, use Ultra Balls and Great Balls to catch Pokémon hands-free.
Over 900 sold since 2023.
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modified Pokémon GO Plus + devices worldwide.
Commonly-asked questions:
How does the mod work?
If you want to use Ultra Balls or Great Balls in Pokémon GO with the Plus +, you need to press the button each time you want to throw the ball. This modification effectively pushes the button for you.
Why would I need this?
In short, if you're looking to catch Pokémon hands-free using Ultra Balls and Great Balls in Pokémon GO, you'll need a modified GO Plus +.
This modified Pokémon GO Plus + autocatcher is for Pokémon GO players who want to catch Pokémon using Ultra and Great Balls without holding it in their hand and waiting for vibration. It includes a physical on/off switch to control the automatic catching, removes the loud vibrations, and doesn’t interfere with sleep tracking capabilities.
Why is there a physical switch?
The switch controls the automatic throwing. You won't be able to track sleep unless the switch is in the OFF position.
Can't the GO Plus + auto-throw Ultra and Great Balls without modifications?
Unfortunately not. Many players in the Pokémon GO community were disappointed to learn it couldn't. It auto-throws Poké Balls, but Ultra and Great Balls require you to press a button following flashing lights and vibration.You cannot hold the button down to auto-catch with Ultra and Great Balls.
Can I still use this for Pokémon Sleep and tracking sleep in Pokémon GO?
Yes, and you can catch Snorlax with a nightcap costume! Simply move the physical switch to the OFF position before tracking sleep.